There are taught primary and secondary classes (I to X) along with Orally the Holy Quran. Iqra Tafheemul Quran is taught a curriculum of S.T.B.B (Sindh Textbook board) and AFAQ (Association for Academic Quality) in this system and contains the following subjects:
- Urdu
- English
- Islamiat
- Math
- Arabic
- Science
- Pakistan Studies
- Computer Studies
- Chemistry & Physics,
- Sindhi & Civic etc.
Method of Studies
- To make an efficient report in the respective file system of every student.
- Checking of copies, Class, and curriculum with implicitly.
- Proper uses of homework and Class diary.
- It has been taken test system entire the respective unit test for the period of the end.
- Parents-teacher meetings are arranged, so that to aware study progress of their child.
School Appointed Time
- For Nursery: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
- For K.G: 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM
- For primary & secondary: 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
- For Hifzul Quran: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Dress Code For Boys:
- White Topi (Cap)
- Black Shoes with Black socks
- Shalwar &Qamiz (Grey Colour)
- In winter: Sweater (Grey Colour)
Dress Code For Girls:
- Scarf (Grey Colour)
- School shoes with socks (Black Colour)
- Shalwar & Qamiz (Grey Colour)
- In winter: Sweater (Grey Colour)
Note: Multi colorful topi, Scarf, Joggers & sandals are not allowed.
Years of Education and Exam
- The education of the year consists of April to March.
- Entire the session, we are taken 6 unit test in which 2 exams are conducted and the final exams.
- To must be achieved 50% result in every unit test.